M. A. Kalam

M. A. Kalam

Managing Director

Meet Mr. Mohammad AbulKalam a renowned industrialist, businessman and a philanthropist.He was born and grown up in a traditional family at Chittagong. Energized from his father’s business success, along with his elder brotherMr. Mohammad Abu Tayeb started their trading business back in 1972.

From the very beginningboth the brothers have thrived for diversified business andturned the company to a large Group called “T.K.Group of Industries” with their forsightness, passionand perseverance, the group has become one of a renowned conglomerate of Bangladesh within a short period of time in different industries.

Being the catalyst for economic change, these young entrepreneur’s invent a new business tradition and injected extroversion and proclivityfor business success. This has rewarded them by different business community and largely by the Government.

Major business units are:

1. Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd.
2. Super Oil Refinery Limited
3. Bay Fishing Corporation Ltd.
4. Super Formica and Lamination Limited
5. Karnufully Steel Mills Ltd.
6. T.K. Shares & Securities Ltd.
7. Bengal Sack Corporation Ltd.
8. Premier Cement Mills Limited
9. Super Petro Chemical Private Limited
10. Super Thread Limited
11. Super Synthetic Limited
12. Asia Insurance Limited
13. MAF News Paper Mills Limited
14. MAF Shoes Limited
15. MAF Motors
16. Super Knitting & Dying Limited
17. Mohammadi Trading Co. Limited
18. Bangladesh Timber & Plywood Industries Limited
19. Modern Power Co. Limited
20. Modern Hatchery Limited
21. Modern Fibers Industries Limited
22. Modern Polly Industries Limited
23. Masud& Brothers
24. Rubi Food Products Limited
25. Uni-Trade
26. Rangapani Tea Estate
27. Elahinur Tea Estate
28. BaroMashia Tea Estate
29. Sujanagar Tea Garden
30. Chin Hung Fibers Ltd.
31. Riff Leather Limited
32. T.K. Shipyard Limited
33. Samuda Chemical Complex Limited
34. Progressive Containers Ltd.
35. Samuda Containers Ltd.
36. T.K. Gas and Gas Cylinder Ltd.
37. T.K. Food Products Ltd.
38. T.K. Paper Ltd.
39. T.K. Oil Refinery Ltd.
40. T.K. Chemical Complex Ltd.
41. Chin Hung Cotton Mills Ltd.
42. T.K. Food Distribution Ltd.
43. Green Board and Fibers Mills Ltd.

In pursuit of his recent entrepreneurial drive, he has invested to different Economic Zones of the country to further permutated to pharmaceuticals and LPG terminal for economic upturns andemployment creation for more than 10,000 (ten thousand) people.

Recently (October, 2020) Samuda Food Products Ltd. and Samuda Chemical Complex two sister concerns of T.K Group will invest Taka 1744.80 Crore (205.28 Million USD) at Bangabandhu Sheikh MujibShilpa Nagar (BSMSN) to produce Consumer Goods and Chemical Products. BEZA also encouraged this food processors to ensure quality products for consumers, where T.K Group already has their strong food print.

The Group has also exports its products like hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, caustic soda and chlorinated paraffin toTurkey, Philippines, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka having after meeting local demand.

The Group has made a significant contribution to the national exchequer in revenues, infrastructure investment, employment generation and skills development.

Being a philanthropist, The Managing Director M. A. Kalam has contributed to many social, educational, medical and health sectors. Few of them are:
1. North South University Foundation (founder member of North South University)
2. Chittagong Kidney Foundation
3. The Pediatric Center of Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
4. MRT Machine to Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
5. ICU Beds and Kidney Dialysis Machine to Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
6. Free education to slum children of Chittagong.
7. Free eye treatment in various parts of the country for multiple times every year.

Being socially responsible, he patronizes Mir Samuda Heath Care Centre in Patiya for free treatment and free distribution of medicines to community people. His donation to Mansha Islamic Senior Madrasha, Mansha School &College and Mansha Govt. Primary School is also a part of his social welfare.

The Group also donates to the Bangabandhu Charity and also sponsored to different National events like Lakho Konthe Jatiya Sangeet, Games and Sports as part of Patronization.

Honorable Managing Director Mr. M. A.Kalam is the life member of the Social Welfare Association of the Chittagong Hospital and a member of Bhatiary Golf and Country Club, Chittagong.

Year 2020 was full of crisis for the whole world due to Covid-19. Bangladesh also felt the severeness of it. People here became helpless during long lockdown period. Then like few other renowned brands or organization PUSTI a brand of T.K. Group stepped forward to help the needy. During the whole Covid -19 periods T.K. Group donated Ventilator Machines to several hospitals, distributed nearly thousand PPE to doctors and front liners to fight in this situation. PUSTI donated tons of Soyabean Oil, Anchor Dal, Maida etc to different NGOs like Bidyananda. PUSTI also took care of their stakeholders by giving away thousands of donation packages containing daily necessary food items to bakery workers. Even at the end of this year while the winter was knocking at the door Pusti Bulk Division donated 10000 (Ten Thousand) plus blankets to the bakery technicians countrywide. As a recognition of all these CSR activities T.K. Group received an award from E-Commerce Association of Bangladesh. T.K. Group always extended the hand for the betterment of general people and country for a better future tomorrow.